Neo Yin

Neo Yin


Howdy! I’m Neo… a Statistics Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley.

Research Interest:

My current

interest is in computational pathology and I’m a part of the Computational Pathology Group led by Professor Iain Carmichael, and the HemeAI Lab led by Dr. Gregory Goldgof. I’m also broadly interested in the study of human-AI collaboration as well as AI-related policies.


Side Obsessions:

Contacts & Links & CV:

About this Website:

Besides being a minimalist professional portfolio, this website is designed to be:

And… most importantly… an automated way to share my knowledge with the world!
What are these password-protected pages?

If you discover a page that is password protected, it is not because I am keeping secrets. This website is designed to be perpetually a work in progress, and designed to be visibly so. These are pages that are currently under construction and will be available once completed.